Friday, 5 September 2014

A Spiritual Healer - For Healing From Within: Trying to beMAYA free,Atma full,on path of Nirvana...

I bow to the lotus feet of my sad guru SAI nath.My guru always guided me throughout my life till date and would&will keep doing it till last.With the grace of god I'm clairvoyant by birth,but still I have made mistakes & learnt from those mistakes.Before anything serious could happen my Guru always guided me & showed me the right path and opened my eyes to reality.
 The mistakes I used to make is to trust & believe people blindly which Baba rectified through a lesson which I'll remember for life.Baba asked me to read Bagavad Gita,a divine discourse of my guru.
Through this blog I would like to share my feeling & thinking.When I started reading Bagavad Gita,I was thinking why Pandavas & Kauravas had to fight,why so much of lose of  human life,destruction etc.My guru said,In every human being the Mahabharata takes place within ourselves,between Dharma & Adharma (good & bad)thinking,when this happens you tend to loose many things ,like your time,energy,mental balance etc to come to a conclusion to which path of living we are going to make Dharma or a dharma.The path of Dharma always leads to success & winning side of life,Adharma leads to destruction only.
Like Pandavas every human being makes mistakes,we should learn & realise our mistakes and come out of it and as far as possible we should follow Dharma path by surrendering ourselves to the lotus feet of god.

A Spiritual Healer - For Healing From Within: Path to MAN

I Bow to the lotus feet of my sad guru Sainath.Every human being in this world has to read "Bhagavad Gita" in his or her life time to know the true essence of life,to attain gods grace and to librate ourselves from the cycle of birth & death.
When we read Bhagavad Gita we realise that though it was taught to Partha(Arjuna) in the battle field,but it is  for every human being and we should consider ourselves as Partha and follow it as for as possible .We should bring it to practice the discourse given by lord .(which can be attained through slow and steady practice).
Why we should consider ourselves as Partha ?Is that we are all standing in the battle field of our life fully covered with "Delusion & Despondency keeping away or forgetting our own duty & divine nature .
How to get this realisation of our duty & divine nature is our confusion in this world.We are all knowledge able persons,we have many branches of knowledge  in this morden world like literature,theatre,dance,science and computers etc,above all we should develope the Knowledge of inner self (Atma Gnyana) as my guru says.Guru says by merely acquiring worldly knowledge cannot bring peace and happiness in ones life,as this knowledge will give only seconds of happiness & peace in once life, but only through "Atma Gnyana" would give the permanent  and lasting peace & happiness.

Om SAI Ram.
To be continued.........

People in sales if pray to Shani maharaj will give success in their field .

A Spiritual Healer - For Healing From Within

From ancient history we come to know that in earlier stages human beings used to wear the leaves of different trees as their clothes.  It was due to the lack of civilization, as everyone lived in forests like wild animals.  As per the nature’s law, everything has to change in this world.  So the wearing of clothes was not an exception.  
According to Hinduism ‘Manu’, the son of Lord “Brahma” the creator, (as he was born out of the Manah Sankalpam of Brahma he is named as Manu) learned the lessons of law, policy and pleasures from his father and taught the same to his disciples named Bhrigu Maharishi and others.  The teachings of ‘Manu’ is named as ‘Manu Samhita’.  ‘Samhita’ means ‘Compilation of knowledge’.  In his teachings he also taught how & what to wear by the people of different castes namely Brahmin, Kshatriyas & Vaisyas.  For eg :- the skins of black antelopes, spotted deer & he goats as upper dresses & lower dresses made of hemp, flax or wool.  But there was no mention of the words Dhoti, Sari etc., in Manu Samhita except the word ‘Vastram’.
In due course of time circumstances changed & the wearing of Dhoti, Sari etc., came into existence.  The ancient people were very much certain that the nature itself is god.  Therefore they used to do their duties as an offering to god with physical & mental purity.  The same were followed by the Weavers while weaving and the Tailors while stitching etc.,  In the initial stages there were no Blouse for ladies. They used to tie a broad cloth across their breast & wear sari.  Then came the blouse culture.  People used to follow strictly that men’s clothes should be given to male tailors and that of ladies to female tailors.  Because they believed that if ladies’ dresses are stitched by male tailors it may create a lust feeling in tailor’s mind which will affect the mind of the lady wearing the same.  In ‘Veda’ it is said that the ‘Bhavam’ of the person (intention of the mind) doing the work will simultaneously affect the mind of the other person for whom he is performing that duty.  So ancient people were following the rule that they should not hurt others in any form i.e. thought, word or deed. Thus, everyday men & women used to take bath, prey for sometime and start performing their duties with divine thought.
It is unavoidable that everything will change in course of time.  But we shouldn’t give up the basic thing i.e. ‘Self-discipline’.  It should be like our breath.  Men & Women wearing their clothes in a proper & disciplined manner is a must & those clothes should be stitched by the people with pure heart.